Vapaan Taiteen Tila terms and conditions 1.1.2020
Intention of use
Vapaan taiteen tila is an event space governed by The University of The Arts Student Union and funded by The University of The Arts Helsinki (Uniarts). The space hosts art – artworks, performances, gigs, exhibitions, festivals, workshops, evenings and more – and can only be reserved for events that’s main content is art.
There is no producer in the space, but the person booking the space acts as the event organizer and is responsible for everything related to the event (marketing, building up the venue, ticket sales, invigilation and security, clean up…).
Right of use
The space can be reserved for use by any student of Uniarts or an alumni who has graduated from Uniarts in the last three years. The working group may also include members from outside Uniarts, but the main responsibility for the event and its artistic content must be of the student from the Uniarts. The person reserving the space and the person in charge must also be an Uniarts student and must be present during the event (a valid student card must be presented when receiving the key to the space). The same person can book the space for a maximum of 3 days per month.
Reservation limits
The facility is only open from 07:00 to 22:00. Reservations are made by default for the entire day.
The space can be reserved per project for a maximum of 3 days per person participating in the project. Person has to be entitled to reserve the space, and the reservation has to include a public event in the space. In the case of a working group, it is possible to reserve the space for a longer period of time and the maximum booking per project is 2 weeks. For training purposes, the time limit is 1 day per person participating in project, however, a maximum of 3 days per project in total.
If the space is to be reserved for a special reason (eg. thesis) for a period longer than the above limits, an exemption can be requested from the Board of The University of The Arts Student Union. The free-form application is submitted to info(at)vapaantaiteentila(dot)com and must contain the same information as in the basic reservation, as well as the reasons for a longer reservation. Exemptions are granted by the Student Union Board on the basis of general principles on a case-by-case basis.
Making the reservation
The reservation is made by sending a reservation message from the e-mail address to vapaantaiteentila(at)gmail(dot)com. Reservations must be made no later than the Wednesday of the week preceding the event; in urgent cases, contact the space coordinator by telephone. Include the following information in your message:
Message title: RESERVATION, event name, dates of reservation (including installation, taking down and cleaning up)
Message content
Info for the reservation
- Intorduction of the event on a practical level (what kind of an event, who are part of the team)
- Full name, Academy / status, e-mail address and telephone number of the booker
Info for VTT web page and Instagram account
- Event descriptions and details (date, time, tickets etc.)
- Websites and Instagram accounts of the artists/ group
- Picture or poster
Reservations will be confirmed by the Vapaan Taiteen Tila coordinator. As there may be several near-simultaneous booking requests for the same time, the order of the bookings is ultimately confirmed through the space coordinator.
Keys and tickets
The event organizer receives one key to the space for the time of the reservation. The key is obtained from the coordinator of the space.
Admission tickets may be sold. However, the events must always be free of charge for the Uniarts students, and for other students the maximum ticket price is 5 euros. The price of a basic ticket is freely determinable. The person reserving the space is responsible for the money transfer.
Organizer’s responsibility and cleaning
The booker of the space is responsible for any possible mess, damage and disruption that occurs in the space during booking. The booker is also responsible for keeping the event in order and for ensuring that the public does not cause any disturbance at or near the door of the space on Vilhonvuorenkuja during or after the event.
The cleaning of the space is also the responsibility of the booker, and the space must be in the same condition at the end of the booking as it was at the beginning of the reservation. If necessary, the amount set aside for event expenses may be withheld to clean up the space or repair any damage. So make sure you clean up after yourself and keep the space in a good condition!
In clear cases of misuse, student responsible of the reservation may also be banned from using the space for a maximum of 6 months. Prohibition of use may also be imposed if the space has been intentionally reserved with incorrect information in purpose to violate the Right of use or Intention of use for the outside use of the Uniarts or for clearly non-artistic use.
Reimbursement of expenses
The event can be reimbursed up to a maximum of € 100 under the following conditions:
Before the event:
– Precise details of the event (dates and times, program or exhibition details and possible ticket prices) have been provided to the coordinator by the Friday of the previous week
– The event is public and open to the public (no reimbursement is paid for training use).
After the event:
– The space has been reorganized and cleaned, the rubbish has been removed and the technology has been restored to its place
– The event is documented (see below for details).
All reimbursable expenses must be directly related to the event or its organization. Alcoholic beverages are reimbursed up to a maximum of 30 euros.
Please email the space coordinator a maximum of 1 week after the event:
– 2-3 photos of the event,
– Estimated audience,
– Your payment information (IBAN and BIC),
– Scanned receipts for expenses, which also show the VAT component,
– Feedback on the use of the space (optional).
All contacts related to the use of the space will be handled by the Vapaan taiteen tila coordinator by email vapaantaiteentila(at)gmail(dot)com or phone 040 710 4227. The coordinator is working Mon-Wed at 9 am – 4 pm.
There is no on-call in the space, so make an appointment by the Friday of the previous week if you want to visit in the space.