ARENA BAUBO Proudly Post/Non/Mis/Re/Present 11.10
Performance on Friday 11.10. at 19:00.
In Arena Baubos current process they are exploring critical perspectives on representation. They have applied the discourse onto the myth of Baubo – an old lady in Greek mythology who exposes her vagina in an obscene dance to provoke the goddess Demeter to laugh.
This has led to many discussions about an unwillingness to represent or be represented in the art world and society at large, as well as theories and strategies on how the cunt could be used as a political weapon today.
★ Lecture Performance: The Art of Flashing
Baubo’s hijacking of Rancière
Duration: 25 min
Language: Swedish with English subtitles
In the performance, Jacques Rancière’s lecture on Deleuze, art and aesthetics, is being hijacked. Baubo is infiltrating the philosopher´s text with her vaginal metamorphosis into the content, form and texture of its language.
By Katja Seitajoki
★ Film: Mis/re/presenting Slavoj Žižek, Judith Butler, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Giorgio Agamben, Chantal Mouffe and Jacques Derrida
Duration: 10 min
Language: English
Baubo is multiplied as a concept and spreads out to central positions in some current philosophical discourses.
By Kajsa Wadhia
★ Multi-tasking Seminar: Vagina-painting and Minor Literature
Duration: 1 hours
Language: English and Finnish
The seminars are hybrids of activities and discussions, where Multi-Tasking becomes a tool to encourage new impulses, ideas and meetings. In an attempt not to represent the participants they are proposed to take part and create their own experiences and exchanges.
Minor Literature
The seminar is focussed on Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s concept Minor Literature in relation to performing arts. We discuss non/representation and the political potential of art.
Vagina Painting
We do a collective version of Shigeko Kubotas famous Vagina Painting from 1965, where she painted with a brush attached to her crutch. We investigate how the vagina painting affects our thoughts and how the discussion affects the painting.
★ Free entrance ★
Supported by: The Swedish Art Council, Nordic Culture Fund, Nordic Coulture Point and Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland
About Arena Baubo
Arena Baubo was founded in 2006 as an arena for experimental performing arts. The group is run through shared leadership by artistic directors: Kajsa Wadhia, Dancer/ Choreographer and Katja Seitajoki,Physical Actress/ Director
Previous Productions:
★ 2013 IN-BETWEEN IMAGES Tracing a Self-Portrait
★ 2011 Kulla-Gulla, Fassbinder och jag
★ 2010 Tantsnusk
★ 2010 Empower Station Botkyrka
★ 2009 Empower Station i Beirut
★ 2009 Prostitutionstribunalen
★ 2009 Svenska torskar 09
★ 2007 Fackmöte för prostituerade
More info and trailers from previous work are available on our webpage