Derek Holzer, Jukka Hautamäki live
Thursday, 7th of February
7 – 11 pm
Vapaan Taiteen Tila – Free Space for Art
Katariinankatu 3, 00170 Helsinki
19.30 Jukka Hautamäki
20.30 Derek Holzer
Solo improvisation for self-made analog modular synthesizer, speaker box and found objects, exploring the physical affects of volume, frequency and complexity within a given space. For fans of Maryanne Amacher, Bernard Parmegiani, Eliane Radigue and Slayer.
Derek Holzer (1972) is an American sound artist based in Berlin DE, whose current interests include DIY analog electronics, sound art, field recording and the meeting points of electroacoustic, noise, improv and extreme music. He has played live experimental sound, as well as taught workshops in noise art technology, across Europe, North America, Brazil and New Zealand.
Media artist Jukka Hautamäki (b. 1971), born in Oulu, live and works in Helsinki, Finland. Hautamäki works with found materials, electronics, sound and video.
Hautamäkis sounds performances are microscopic research and study of electronic sound. Live setup consists of diy instruments, which he is manipulating realtime by changing components and reconnecting circuits. Music style is abstract ambient noise with a twist. Hautamäki has made live performances in Finland, Germany, France, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Canada, USA.