Home Granlund & Linnovaara Extended: FREE

Granlund & Linnovaara Extended: FREE

Keikan ajankohta to 2.1.2020 klo 19-21
Sisään 5 e (Taideyliopistolaiset ilmaseks)

Granlund & Linnovaara Extended is a group of five musicians, composers and performers who play improvised music freely and without restraint. Welcome to start a fantastic new musical year at the acoustically interesting Space for Free Arts with us!

Annika Granlund – tuba
Suvi Linnovaara – tenor saxophone
Zita Bucher (CH) – soprano and alto saxophone
Hannah Wirnsperger (AT) – flute
Aku-Pekka Kurjenniemi – drums

Entrance fee 5 €
Cash / Mobile Pay
(Uniarts-students free)

G & L Extended started out as a duo of Granlund and Linnovaara who used to play at a market place ”Tammelantori” in Tampere some years ago. In addition to their duo three other friends will join them to this Finland minitour which continues to Tampere Telakka Jazz 2020 on Friday 3.1.2020.