– upward mobility – apophenia – luminosity/anti-luminosity – transmutation – filing the black iron bars – heresy – cocaine for the spark – Sophia – release – induction of detachment –

The Space is inhabited by six people. Six people run around. Six people run around and dream. Six people run around and scream. Six people run around and bleed, fake blood of fake thoughts, fake sickness let out. Six people run around and do random things for your overrated enjoyment. Six people run around, seeking meaning and beauty. Six people run around, doing pretentious artsy stuff that no one has any time for.

Director: Martin Åkesson
Performers: Martin Åkesson, Mirva Tarvainen, Juska Ojajärvi, Jesse Ojajärvi, Minna Koskenlahti, Noora Kauppila.

Date: 29.5. and 30.05.
Time: 20.00.
Place: Vapaan Taiteen Tilaa, Helsinki. AUDIENCE LIMIT 50 PER NIGHT, book your place in advance by email to martin.akes@gmail.com

NOTE: Due to the nature of the performance, children below the age of 14 will unfortunately not be admitted. For inquiries, please email the director at martin.akes@gmail.com

EPILEPSY WARNING: This performance contains flashing lights.

PSYCHOLOGICAL WARNING: This performance contains pressing darkness. People with known issues of panic anxiety in dark spaces are advised to use their own judgement in considering this performance. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact the director by sending an email to martin.akes@gmail.com

SUBLIMINAL WARNING: This performance contains interdimensional trolling.

ENTROPY WARNING: This performance contains chaos.