Home Proximity – Sjors Hoogerdijk

Proximity – Sjors Hoogerdijk

Proximity – Sjors Hoogerdijk


Fr 19.8.2022 18.00-21.00 (opening)
Sa 20.8.2022 – 12.00-18.00
Su 21.8.2022 – 12.00-18.00


Proximity- is an audio installation that reacts on the audience. Moving through the space you will be noticed and registered in sound, while being the input of the information yourself. Determining the distance to the sensors down the hall in an unreadable language.


I want to force a different view on research, information-gathering and archiving practice. In hierarchal/patriarchal systems, regulations are often based on a foundation of measurement while the importance of weight in the measuring method is left out of their scope. Asking and rechecking until all the nuance has reformed to a binary divide. What I want to touch in my work is the conceptual problem of bias in measurement in everyday life, work and government.


In proximity I have built a version of a radar. Together we will look at how measuring distance makes a distance ‘real’ and how the operation of the ways of gauging it, changes the distance between us all. Radar systems are used to measure distance on a A to B to C ratio, where time and mutation is used to triangulate a position and direction of objects. Using radio waves that will come from the transmitter and bounce off the visitor back to the receiver. This sound will be translated and played as sound in the space that we are in.


Sjors Hoogerdijk- is a cross-media artist, interested in interactions, discourse and their inherent goals. Using these interactions of media and conversation in symbolical audio installations. Researching the ways technological equipment can be used as analogies for human communication. Giving perspective by taking a step back and comparing different ways of discourse to each other.


The way we use tools of communication reveals the original purpose the tool was intended for. I take them out of their original context and give them a function that is close to the one they were originally developed for. Retaining some of their original identity. In the same way that people become part of a society. Not by just changing themselves but by the whole system evolving. In simple interactions, I let the audience discover and form their meaning themselves.


The exhibition has been supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike).




Vapaan Taiteen Tila, Vilhonvuorenkuja 15-16, 00500 Helsinki


From Vilhonvuorenkuja to the space (bomb shelter) there is a downhill (8m) covered with cobblestones. The doorstep is 2,5cm high and the door 127cm wide (it’s also possible to open another door next to this one). There’s another downhill (20m) inside with concrete floor. On the way down there are two ramps (wide 80cm) going over footsteps (high 13cm). Doorstep to the performance space is 5,5cm high and the door 127cm wide (it’s also possible to open another door next to this one). Doorstep in toilet 3cm and wide of the door 70cm.


There will be constant drone sound during the exhibition. No flashing lights. If needed, please contact me in mail or message to arrange a low-stimuli visit outside opening hours.


No bullshit, no dogs.


Free entrance