Home Verta-esitykset


Verta (Blood) starts a feminist folk music concert serie Verta, pornoa ja propagandaa, JUMALAUTA! (= Blood, Porn and Propaganda, Goddammit!). The first concert explores the blood line, menstrual fluid and child birth blood, as well as blood shed throughout the centuries, aggression as a destroying and creative force. The mood of the performance swings between bang and clatter, small and sensitive, amusing and frightening.

You’ll hear different Finnish folk music traditions and stories from murder ballads to childbirth spells, from old hymns to ancient catfights.

The concert venues are chosen based on the history of Helsinki. Verta-Blood will be performed in an old air-raid shelter, which is currently known as Vapaan taiteen tila – Space for free arts.

Violence, sexuality, propaganda songs and the experience of sacred – in 2018 the concert serie takes up topics that are widely sung in the historical folk music, but are rarely sang today with a female voice. If we remain silent about these issues, what kinds of representations of women manifest or have been manifested? What happens if we give a voice to them?

On stage in Verta – concert:

Helmi Camus – double bass, harpsichord and voice

Maija Kauhanen – kantele, voice

Amanda Kauranne – concept, voice

Minna Koskenlahti – percussion, voice

Sini Siipola – dance, voice

Sound: Pauliina Saarman.

Directorial assistance: Elina Lajunen and Martina Roos

Producers: Amanda Kauranne and Mari Pääkkönen

Logo: Paula Susitaival

Duration approximately 75 min

Language: Finnish

Tickets: 15/10€, Students of Arts University Helsinki 0 €

Ticket reservation: vppj2018@gmail.com

Ticket sale will open 30 min before performance

Supporters: Kone Foundation, The Finnish Music Foundation (MES), Arts Promotion Centre Finland

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